Tag Archives: Florida Workplace Discrimination Attorney

Key Employment Discrimination Cases & Decisions Of 2016
There were many notable employment discrimination cases decided this year, especially those involving sex bias and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission pushing for LGBT protections under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Some of those important cases involved the following decisions: Constructive Discharge In May, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that… Read More »

Another Race Discrimination/Workplace Claim Filed Against CNN & Turner
On December 8th, two African-American employees filed a class action lawsuit against CNN, Turner Broadcasting, and Time Warner, alleging racial discrimination in the workplace. Specifically, in their lawsuit, plaintiffs allege that the workplace culture at these companies discourages or prohibits minorities from exercising their rights under laws which prohibit employment discrimination. Specific Evidence of… Read More »
Zillow Settles Class Action Lawsuit Alleging Labor Law Violations
It’s been a difficult year for online real estate database company the Zillow Group (“Zillow”), as this month, the company settled a class-action lawsuit accusing it of violating federal labor laws, agreeing to pay up to $6 million in association with the lawsuit. The company was specifically accused of failing to provide overtime and… Read More »
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Sues Company for Pay Discrimination
According to a lawsuit filed this month by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), a concrete liner company—Spec Formliners, Inc.—violated federal law by paying female sales representatives less than male sales representatives. Not only did the company allegedly pay female workers less in terms of base pay, but the company also required women to… Read More »
Survey Indicates That Job Discrimination Is Getting Worse For Young African Americans
Recent survey results released by GenForward and gathered by the University of Chicago and Black Youth Project indicate that 48 percent of African Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 years old have experienced job discrimination–either during the application process or in performing the job itself. The issue is even more severe for… Read More »
Cancer Victims Are Protected Under the Americans with Disabilities Act
When most people think of protection under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), they think of protection for those with physical or mental impairments—such as someone who is confined to a wheelchair—who can otherwise face job discrimination and undue hardship when it comes to employers providing reasonable accommodations at work. However, what many people… Read More »
Pregnancy Discrimination Can Result in Substantial Verdicts
Decades ago, many employers regularly discriminated against women who were pregnant or who may have become pregnant, as it was wrongfully expected that pregnancy and childbirth would interfere with their work. However, at the time, there was little the employees could do as there were few protections for pregnant women in the workplace. In… Read More »
Bathroom Rights of Transgender Employees
Discrimination can come in many forms and can be based on race, age, religion, and many other factors. In many parts of the country, discrimination has recently increased due to gender identity and, specifically, much attention has been focused in recent months on where people who identify as transgender should use the bathroom. Transgender… Read More »
Is Pregnancy Discrimination Increasing At Work?
Decades ago, many employers were hesitant to hire or employ women of a certain age out of concern that they may get pregnant and leave the position to stay at home and raise children. Even if a new mother opted to keep working, employers often believed their focus would be elsewhere or that they… Read More »
Discrimination In The Tech Industry: Is There An App For That?
Employment discrimination based on gender, race, and other protected factors can exist in any industry, however, certain industries tend to favor certain types of employees. Whether that favor is intentional or not, it can often lead to unlawful discrimination or harassment against certain demographics in the workplace. The tech industry has traditionally been dominated… Read More »