Tag Archives: Plantation Employment Attorney

Labor Law Changes Coming With New Administration
Many employers and employees are wondering what’s on the horizon for labor law with the new administration. While we’ve previously discussed how the administration might affect the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and several pro-labor rules issued during the last few years, there are other relevant appointments and changes that will have a tremendous… Read More »
Common Industries With Wage Violations
Violations of federal or Florida labor laws can happen in any industry and in any size company. From large corporations to small businesses, wage and hour violations occur, whether they are due to errors or intentional wrongdoing. However, there are certain industries that have wage issues and complaints more often than others due to… Read More »
Challenges To The New Overtime Rules
We have previously posted about the new federal overtime guidelines set to go into effect on December 1, 2016. While millions of workers throughout the United States have been anxiously awaiting new overtime rights, many employers, legislators, and employer advocacy groups have been aggressively trying to fight the new overtime rules in any way… Read More »
What Laws Protect Employees From Discrimination?
Employment law is a complicated area of law that involves many different statutes and regulations. Many employment laws are in place with the intention of protecting employees from unlawful discrimination, retaliation, harassment, and wrongful termination. The following are only some examples of employment laws that provide the right to be free from discrimination and… Read More »
Your Rights When Applying For A Job
You should know that, as an employee in Florida, you have certain rights under the law. Such rights include the right against unlawful discrimination and harassment based on your race, religion, gender, disability, age, and other protected factors. In addition, employers may not retaliate against you with an adverse employment action if you complain… Read More »
Employee Rights Regarding Personnel Files
Florida is not known for having comprehensive and beneficial labor laws. In fact, Florida laws fail to give many employees certain rights that are bestowed in many other states. Specifically, many employees in Florida do not even have the right to review their own personnel file. Personnel files can contain a wide array of… Read More »
Can Retaliation Happen 13 Years Later?
In addition to making it unlawful to discriminate against employees based on factors such as sex, race, religion, age, or disability, both federal law and the Florida Civil Rights Act prohibit retaliation against any employee who complains about discriminatory actions. Retaliation occurs when an employer takes any kind of adverse employment action against someone,… Read More »